Lessons and courses for beginners who want to get closer to the discipline and for those who already practice it but want to improve their technique.
- WINDSURF: From May to September, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. book your individual or group lesson.
Rental € 20 (1h) - € 80 (5h)
Individual lesson € 40 (1 h)
Group lesson € 30 (1,5 h)
Group course € 130 (5 times x 1,5 h)
- WING: From May to September, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., book your individual lesson.
Individual lesson € 40 (1 h)
Info and bookings: +39 351 6900292/ +39 392 9909061; info@asdfairplay.it
Reservation required by advance payment. Rates reserved for Fairplay ASD members.