Every Tuesday evening at 8.00 p.m. and every Saturday morning at 8.00 a.m. at the Tivoli beach establishment, you can book your place for a lesson looking at the sea, listening to the sound of the waves, which at that time is stronger because of the breeze. Hatha Yoga is a sparkling style, it helps the mobility and fluidity of the body and then ends with a relaxation lying on the sand, breathing and improving the state of mind. Yoga also
- strengthens the balance of body and mind
- expands breathing capacity
- improves concentration
- connects you with your centre
Price € 10,00;
Info and reservations: +39 351 6900292 (WhatsApp only); info@asdfairplay.it
Each class must be booked in advance. It is recommended to bring a large cloth for practice, instead of a mat, and water. For evening classes, it is recommended to bring a sweatshirt or something to cover yourself. Please arrive at least 5 minutes in advance
Reservation is required with advance payment of the fee. All events are organised with a minimum of 4 people. The association reserves the right to change the organisation of events according to weather conditions.