The Valley route

The Valley route

From the avifauna observatory to the suggestive views of the Primero canal.

The route called "Della Valle" is spread over about 1800 meters, is an itinerary to be followed preferably on foot, starts from the courtyard of the visitor center and runs along the northern edge of the fishing valley, following the route of the bike path from Grado. In the initial stretch, looking out over a wooden balustrade, it is possible to see, within the ponds that form the valley, many species of birds that feed in the shallow waters or resting on the salt marshes. Continuing along the cycle path you will reach the new avifauna observatory from which you can see, in different seasons, several of the species in the reserve. Then we arrive at the Prati del Luseo, on which normally stand the grey geese, symbol of the reserve. The route ends near the bridge over the Primero canal; from this point there are suggestive views, both towards the interior of the valley and towards the Grado lagoon and it is possible to observe, at the sluice gate for controlling the water level, the old Lavoriero in cannuccia, a traditional system for catching fish bred in the valley.