Events and tours
The Consorzio Grado Turismo will promote and support the events organised on the island but is not responsible for their organisation or for any changes to the programme that may occur without prior notice. In order to keep up to date with the latest news or any changes in the programme, we strongly recommend consulting the official websites of the organisers or of the local institutions involved.
The Lady of the Fairy Tales: Fairy Tales for Growing Up - Workshops and Games
20 July 2022
Position: Biblioteca Civica F.Marin
19 - 20 - 27 July at 10.00 am
- Il pifferaio magico e i topi mangiacarta (The Pied Piper and the Paper Eating Rats)
- Il lago dei cigni e i sacchetti di plastica (Swan Lake and plastic bags)
- Il brutto anatroccolo e P.P. Pasolini (The Ugly Duckling and P.P. Pasolini)
3 - 10 - 31 August at 10.00 am
- La strega Varvuola senza camino (The witch "Varvuola" without a chimney)
- Cappuccetto Rosso e il drago con il mal di denti (Little Red Riding Hood and the Dragon with a Toothache)
- Fiabe gradesi (Grado's fairy tales) learn a few words of the local dialect
Free admission by reservation - 0431 82630
Facebook: La Signora delle Fiabe
Instagram: la_signora_delle_fiabe